Chopchini (Smilax China) is extreme beneficial in Asthma, Arthritis, Syphilis, Piles, Skin Diseases. Learn How to Use it in Multiple Health Issues.
Devdali Benefits and Uses
One can benefit from the use of Devdali in diseases like migraine, eye diseases, whooping cough, constipation. Medicinal properties of Devdali also provide relief in diseases like intestinal pain, swelling, cholera, jaundice etc.
Vidanga: A herb for Worms
Vidanga is a useful herb to manage worm infestation that includes threadworms, roundworms, etc due to its Krimighna property.
Nishoth: An Extremely Health-Beneficial Herb
Nishoth is beneficial in Constipation, Piles, Obesity, Cough and Bronchitis, Worms, Arthritis, and many other chronic diseases.
Jyotishmati: An ultimate magical herb
Jyotishmati (Malkangni) has a wide medicinal usage in skin care, hair care. It improves brain functioning that strengthens the mind.